Nemerle 1.1 for .Net 4.0 and VS 2010 Closed Issues Report

Product: VS 2010

Category: Bug

  1. Unusual Tab behaviour (issue 7)
  2. Very big height of source code navigation dropdowns (issue 27)
  3. Project conversion wizard run always when a project open (issue 43)
  4. Memory leak in Record macro implementation (issue 57)
  5. Highlighting not remove when Esc was pressed (issue 61)
  6. The VS2010 Project Upgrade Wizard is incorrectly update Nemerle project property (issue 90)
  7. [VS2010] System.IO.PathTooLongException in XP SP3 (issue 40)
  8. No completion for get only properties in constructor. (issue 63)
  9. Vs2010 nemerle project polutes the Error Pane with bogus errors. (issue 64)
  10. Code snippets are unavailable from VS2010 extension (issue 112)
  11. Re-installing VS2010 package fails with unknown error (issue 110)
  12. Not possible to use the .setting files (issue 116)
  13. Nemerle.MSBuild.targets was not found (issue 115)
  14. BuildInstaller*-4.cmd execution fails on VS integration building when VS 2010 extension already installed. (issue 131)
  15. VS 2010 v1.1.27.0 error: "Failed to load Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Application" (issue 129)
  16. Improve compiling logging in VS 2010 (issue 132)
  17. VS 2010 ASP.NET Web Projects broken (issue 13)
  18. [IDE] Tab settings (issue 38)
  19. [IDE] "Error List" was not refreshed or synced with the output after first compilation. (issue 137)
  20. Код съезжает при автоматическом форматировании (issue 175)
  21. WinForms designer can't read a RGB color from form file (issue 181)
  22. [IDE] WinForms designer resize makes VisualStudio 2010 dead (issue 81)
  23. NuGet doesn't work with Nemerle project (issue 187)

Category: Feature

  1. Universal wizard template for macros (issue 16)
  2. Template for module data type (issue 15)
  3. Template for variant data type (issue 14)
  4. VS 2010 project conversion wizard (issue 17)
  5. ReSharper liker CamelHumps completion (issue 19)
  6. Support referencen node properties: "Include", "Runtime Version", "Version" (issue 22)
  7. Import complation (issue 24)
  8. Ability to turn off smart tabs feature. (issue 37)
  9. Add support of complation of named parameters (issue 54)
  10. Add support of Visual Studio Integrated Shell (issue 113)
  11. New Nemerle binaries path calculation algorithm (issue 118)
  12. [VS2010] Trim conditional compilation symbols (issue 149)

Product: VS 2008

Category: Bug

  1. Memory leak in Record macro implementation (issue 57)
  2. No completion for get only properties in constructor. (issue 63)
  3. Nemerle.MSBuild.targets was not found (issue 115)
  4. Nemerle Studio 2008 fails to run (issue 130)
  5. NuGet doesn't work with Nemerle project (issue 187)

Category: Feature

  1. ReSharper liker CamelHumps completion (issue 19)
  2. Add support of complation of named parameters (issue 54)
  3. New Nemerle binaries path calculation algorithm (issue 118)

Product: Lib

Category: Bug

  1. Memory leak in Record macro implementation (issue 57)
  2. variant StructuralEquality ncc.exe fail (issue 135)
  3. Resource macro throws exception by default (issue 228)
  4. Add support of static field to Nemerle.Linq.ToExpression macro (issue 239)
  5. Linq.Expression in generic method (issue 232)

Category: Feature

  1. sizeof() macro (issue 200)
  2. Improving macro StructuralEquality. (issue 231)

Product: Compiler

Category: Bug

  1. Incorrect IL generation for update field of "out" parameter of "struct" type (issue 11)
  2. The compiler treat @new identifier as new() constraint (issue 60)
  3. Linq macro does not have error reporting (issue 79)
  4. Can't apply generic specifier to a local function (issue 72)
  5. No completion for get only properties in constructor. (issue 63)
  6. The compiler crashed when trying to compile a non closured lambda in context of generic method (issue 93)
  7. Can't define a Variant Option by typeBuilder.DefineNestedType() after MacroPhase.BeforeInheritance. (issue 35)
  8. Improve compiling logging in VS 2010 (issue 132)
  9. cs parser report legal statement as compilation error for enum type as default parameter (issue 134)
  10. Incorrect type inference when error occurred (issue 145)
  11. [c# support] Incorrect parse of generic type open type arguments (issue 141)
  12. [c# support] Invalid conversion of float point mantissa (issue 142)
  13. cs parser report legal statement as compilation error in struct constructor (issue 133)
  14. [c# support] Arguments of lambda is not mutable (issue 140)
  15. [c# support] implicit ToExpression for parameters (issue 158)
  16. No constant folding in array literals used in a custom attributes parameter (issue 160)
  17. Explicit implementation of an indexer is fail (issue 199)
  18. Inheritance of nested class is failed (issue 203)
  19. Must prefer the current type instead of imported. (issue 205)
  20. Explicit method implementation not hide method (issue 206)
  21. Explicit property implementation not hide property (issue 207)
  22. Incorrect error: type name `...' is ambiguous (issue 208)
  23. Compilation fails if there is return and returns a function with an implicit conversion to a delegate. (issue 210)
  24. Full name typing fail in generic method (issue 218)
  25. Incorrect overload resolution (issue 233)
  26. [c# support] implicit cast object to string (issue 136)
  27. Implicits and overloads (issue 47)
  28. function default parameter in local function fails (issue 242)
  29. Support "int" constants in "case" (issue 246)
  30. ICE on delegates and lambda in closures (issue 247)

Category: Feature

  1. Add support of ExtensionPattern for types from referenced assemblies (issue 53)
  2. Improve the match casse expression typing algorithm (issue 92)
  3. Allow to use PExpr.Ref (like, <[ SomeName ]> in $(x : name) splace. (issue 98)
  4. Allow to use literal splace without type enforcement (issue 122)
  5. Use TypeVar (typed type) in member access (in quasi-quotation) (issue 150)
  6. Compiler does not honor attributes like SR.AssemblyTitle, SR.AssemblyFileVersion, etc (issue 188)
  7. Use C# behavior for accessible modifiers on partial types (issue 201)
  8. Add C# like implicit cast to Nullable (issue 219)
  9. Support concatenation of string and other types (issue 222)
  10. Default parameters in quasi-quotation doesn't work (issue 236)
  11. Match classes, interfaces, variants without 'where' keyword (issue 235)